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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Libyan. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

The Truth on Gaddafi’s Death and the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

Reinaldo Bolívar

Last Thursday, 20 October, an unpatriotic group supported by USA, NATO and the Arab League of States, and instigated by the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council, hunted and cruelly assassinated the Biggest Spiritual Leader the Arab-African nation of Libya had ever had.

Nowadays, analysts merely consider Libyan history from the year 2003 (hence their many mistakes), when Gaddafi’s government was forced, in order to guarantee the nation’s survival, to enter into economic cooperation agreements within the framework of the International Law, with a view to overcoming the strict embargo imposed by the West since 1980. Gaddafi’s actions were not a surrender or change in his ideological orientation. These were a mere strategy even used by friend countries. Undoubtedly, in the process, Libya exceeded its own limits and proved itself as a naive country. A good example of this is the Libya’s consent to surrender highly defensive power weapons, especially the land-air missiles. The same story of the Hussein’s government: placing itself at the mercy of its captors. And when it comes to Gaddafi’s overthrow, he also received ill-intentioned advice from his already betrayer environment, in order to cause a rift between him and the African progressive trends, currently very weak.

Governments such as Iran, North Korea and Syria, being aware of the threats posed by the West, have not fallen into the trap to “put your hands up and surrender your weapons”, fabricated within the UN Security Council. The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya did fall off in that, probably believing that, by becoming a secure fuel supplier, a huge investor and buyer of Western products, it would be able to contain the imperialist revenge thirst. All this proves that Libyan intellectuals, loyal to the Green Revolution, did not learn about the history of South countries, which, after defeating their illegitimate occupants, were condemned to imperialist counterattack. Not a word about Haiti, Yugoslavia, and even the way Europe and USA got rid of the African socialism through the assassination of the main figures of the liberation movements. And even if they did, they were not heard and the voices of the government’s fifth column imposed once again which, as we may realize today, was stronger than Gaddafi’s sons and daughters, in whose lives critiques of the world’s glamorous leftwing focused their attention, neglecting the real danger: the bureaucratic environment controlling the variable of the ideological formation as well as the international affairs.   

So, why were Lumumba, Cabral, Sankara, Machel and Mondlane assassinated? A long term in power is not an excuse for them, not even a justified invasion to their countries in the search for oil, or a tall story on dictatorship regimes imposed by them. These men were nationalist and socialist activists, opponents to colonisation and neoliberal multilateral organisations, and champions for a united Africa in coordination with America and Asia.  

The last, up to now, of these martyrs is John Garang, former Vice President of Southern Sudan. Garang was a preacher for the union of the continent’s biggest country. Mysteriously, the helicopter where he travelled crashed in 2005, a similar accident to that occurred to Samora Machel from Mozambique. Those feeling uncomfortable with preachers on the unity of Sudan, see as a good exit the assassination of the latter. Even more if those preachers are in power. Certainly, readers, you have followed the harassment to the former president of Côte d’Ivoire, Laurent Gbagbo, who is now intended to be prosecuted by the shameful International Criminal Court. And you certainly remember the bombing to Yasser Arafat’s residence in Palestine. Assassination is a State policy for United States, Western Europe and Israel, among others, seeking also the annihilation of progressive ideas. The first step is giving the target the label of dictator; then, opening a file in the accommodating International Criminal Court and, finally, his execution. Otherwise, the target may also be imprisoned for life.      


Wikipedia style web sites which, worthy to say, is inexplicably quoted by serious researchers and copied and pasted by hundreds of people, present King Idris as the founder of Libya. And, as usually readers do not investigate, this lie is replicated. It is important to know who Idris was for the currently war-torn Libya.

His full name was Sidi Muhammad Idris al-Mahdi al-Sanusi and was born in Benghazi, Cyrenaica, in 1890. For 1911, Idris was already King of Cyrenaica and, as such, he signed an agreement of peace and cooperation with Italy, the invader power at the time. By that agreement, King Idris received money from Italy, which secured peace in the conquered territories. 

But Italians did not intend to be left behind by France and United Kingdom and, recalling their imperialistic past, decided to invade Libya, seizing Tripolitania in 1922. Once Idris became aware of the risk posed by the intention of Italians to take over his domains and ignore the cooperation treaty, he showed his bravery by fleeing the country and exiling in Egypt, under his new friends, the British. The young king had no problem to enter negotiations with European empires, as long as his happy way of life was guaranteed. 

The brave kinglet spent 25 years living as an emir in Cairo. From there, he controlled Cyrenaica through his men of trust, based in Benghazi. Idris was patiently waiting for the right time.

Once the allies defeated the Nazi Germany and the Axis powers, Idris rejoices at seeing the Italians defeated. Immediately, he presents before British authorities and, as the old puppet king he was, he reminded them his ownership over the throne without even care for the country. In this way, Idris returns to Libya in 1947. England took him on its lap and gave him precise orders. Attention, readers! Even though the current situation in Libya is similar to that experienced in 1949, we are not tackling the issue on the National Transition Council (NTC), fair heir of this lackey, yet.  

The pretence of king, following the British script, gives the first step towards the proclamation of freedom in Cyrenaica, while the British sold to the new born United Nations the idea of a united Libya, without consulting the tribes Tripolitania and Fezzan, which preferred to form a confederation instead of unite the country.

In 1949, UN resolves the creation of the new Libyan State. Idris is named king of the horrible Federal Independent Monarchy of Libya and, as such, he receives UN blessings, as well as they were given to the -so called by NATO- NTC, in August this year. So many coincidences in only 61 years! Idris flatly got away from Arab tradition once he assumed the throne and abandoned his emir status. He prefered to be a king, as it was practiced and liked in United Kingdom.

It is to notice that Sidi Idris actually did not make a move to get independence for Libya, or even Cyrenaica. Libya was not an independent State in 1949, or in 1951, but it was a mere British protectorate approved by United Nations. Twenty years would pass until the so longed independence was conquered and enjoyed during 42 years, until the imperial plot came back to reinstate the heirs of lackey Idris in throne. 

From 1947 to 1960, Idris revived his kingdom at the service of Great Britain and its brother: United States. From the Bedouin territory was an easy matter to control both the Mediterranean and the entry to Africa. The English allies established there well-equipped military bases. Those bases were dismantle in Gaddafi’s time when, in 2004, began the construction of a huge highway that, as he expected, would go through the whole continent, from North to South, from Libya to South Africa. “Madness” of an Arab Africanist man who had dreamed since 2001 of the achievement of a Federation of African States. 

Idris had then remained easily holding control over the different tribes, supported by the power of fire from the West. Nonetheless, in 1960, oil starts to gush forth from this desert territory. Tribes claim the distribution of the new richness among the provinces constituting the Federal Monarchy. Idris receives new orders: subjugate the just aspirations of provinces. Therefore, Idris performs a new constitution out of nowhere, which established a Unified Monarchy, of course under his exclusive command (another lie, since he did not command but executed).

The oil multinationals came along without delay. Profits would go directly to them and, as a reward, they committed to fulfil all the king’s whims and to install a repressive guard in charge of silencing with fire any protests from the tribes. Idris unleashes, along with the biggest corruption he was capable of, the cruellest repression suffered by the Libyan people.  

This cruel king, of European habits, was responsible for racism against Sub-Saharan people or, as he preferred to call them, ‘black people’. These people were not allowed in his kingdom and they usually paid with their lives having crossed the borders of the Unified Monarchy of Libya. During his tutelary tyranny, an unprecedented ethnic cleansing took place in the North of Africa.  The slaughter currently perpetrated by NTC and NATO against immigrants from Niger, Mali, Chad, Mauritania and Sudan living in Libya since the Green Revolution was in place is also the legacy of that sadly famous king. To Idris, Libya was not an Arab or African country; it was a European-Mediterranean one. Therefore, Libya should not become a shelter for black immigrants.

Violation of Human Rights by Idris monarchy was notorious. He was Europe’s preferred puppet for 58 years, since 1911. First he served Italy and then he followed the orders issued by Great Britain. The flag he adopted for Libya in 1949, that we all see today repeatedly, was his symbol, and was also an allusion to the British Empire and it was completely unrelated to the Arab world. Idris hated Pan Arabism; he hated Nasser and Socialism. He would only establish cooperation with the Arab countries after the foundation of OPEC.


Discontent was general. Oil had not brought any progress in Libya. No infrastructure or road had been built. Neither schools nor universities functioned. For 1968, 80 percent of the Libyan population could read and write thanks exclusively to the Islamist schools. About 100 people studied in European universities, since such institutions did not exist in Libya. Among those privileged people, young officer Gaddafi had his secondary education in Benghazi, city of birth of the tyrant Idris; and part of his higher education in London, capital city of the oppressive empire. Children mortality rate in Libya was around 100 dead per each 1000 born. The population did not have physicians and drinking water was only available in oasis. Only Idris and his closest friends lived excessively well.  

     In September 1969, a group of young officers, led by Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, overthrew the government of Idris by a bloodless cup d’état. The old king was in Turkey receiving medical treatment. He did not come back to Libya. Idris first settled in Greece and then requested political asylum to Egypt, where he finally got nationalisation in 1972.  

Not even one of Idris’ supporters was persecuted, tortured or assassinated. The revolutionary government did not provide any motive to the international community or the UN to be accused of violence, unlike of the slaughter and holocaust brought by NATO and Idris’ followers against the Libyan people during the recent cup, that began on March 19, 2011, and finally caused the assassination of Gaddafi and members of his family. This was nothing but a vendetta prepared in Benghazi, at Idris way, and with the NATO fire power.

Gaddafi’s revolutionary government conducted a transparent trial, which continued for five years, against the puppet king. It was very different from those summary trials applied to leaders in Iraq and Romania, for instance. Idris’ supporters were judged in compliance with the due process; not one of them was killed; no property was destroyed; no portrait was burned. The monarch’s family was respected and their lives spared. Cyrenaica was not mistreated. Not even one of Idris’ supporters was harmed. There is no claim or testimony that refutes this. Gaddafi respected human rights of those who had taken his people to the very edge of extinction. In 1974, Idris was condemned under charges of corruption and misappropriation. He would die quietly in his second home, Cairo, without being politically persecuted, at the age of 93, in 1983. He died a natural death.  

Nevertheless, during his last eleven years of golden exile, after Gamal Nasser died, Idris activated a personal diplomacy and used his uncountable fortune to sabotage the government of the Green Revolution. As he used to do in 1922, Idris never stopped influencing his tribe in Cyrenaica and, from abroad, he also influenced Benghazi in order to keep the city as counterrevolutionary bastion. Supported by Great Britain and Italy, Idris managed to have the West embargoing the Great Jamahiriya and gave Gaddafi the label of terrorist, communist, tyrant. Idris conducted himself the same way those who raise the flag of monarchy do today: seeking support from West Europe.      

It was really easy. Gaddafi had established an alliance with Nasser and committed the crime of nationalising the oil and mining industry and, subsequently, expelled multinational companies from Libya. Such an offense can only be paid with life, as the African martyrs mentioned above did. 

Under Gaddafi, Libya was taken out from the list of pro imperialist good boys. Those acquainted with the embargo imposed to Cuba, can only imagine the Revolutionary Libya’s predicament. An embargo brings death. Fighting an embargo requires strategies for the survival of people. Those who can not understand that will be wrong when they try to judge Gaddafi’s actions after the lift of the embargo and will also be wrong when analyse changes currently undergoing in the revolutionary Cuba. They will also be radically wrong at justifying the tragedy lived nowadays in the Great Libya Jamahiriya. But, let’s be careful. It is not recommended to be prompted by immediacy and the wish to be first in saying a different opinion. The current international scenario is too lurid to be studied using rusty or new communication approaches.  


As other African fighters for independence, Gaddafi had a higher education level that got even studying in Europe, but always convinced of the need to really set his country free. This is because Libya was not independent in 1949, when the UN turned it into a British protectorate, as it has done now in 2011, this time surrendering it to more masters of Europe. Libya was really independent since September 2, 1969, as Libyan people celebrated in 2009 with events full of joy, as well as of hopeful green, Islamist green, agrarian green; with amazing parades where the whole Libyan people participated along with representations from all the African countries and guests from Europe, America and Africa. On that occasion, Hugo Chavez attended the Extraordinary Summit of the African Union held in Tripoli. He also visited the Green Book Studies and Research Centre, which is now in ruins after being destroyed by NATO killing bombs.

Gaddafi’s vision was oriented towards the Arab World and the South. Actually, revolution first adopts the Arab flag and, after Nasser died, a new and varied flag, without abandoning Pan Arabism. It will be in 1977 when the Green Flag finally was established. The causes for the adoption of this colour include Gaddafi’s Africanist vision, the land reform and a direct allusion to Islam, the country’s main religion.  

Gaddafi was legitimised by obtaining the Leadership from his tribe Gadafa, the biggest tribe in the country. Since then, the other tribes proclaim him master and spiritual guide. This cultural conduct is difficult to understand for West leaders who, when it comes to democracy, only conceive it as an image of their reality and circumstances, and neglect cultural aspects of other origin peoples. We, in the West, deny any possible explanation. Democracy may have several interpretations; the imposition of democracy from a single point of view would be better defined as interventionism.

After the revolution was in place, Gaddafi gave expression to his socialist ideas in the Green Book. This book is one of the few documents written during a revolution process with the purpose to guide the way, especially in a Muslim people where behaviour usually depends on the interpretation of those given power by the Quran. The Green Revolution was defined by this few-pages and easy-reading document. 

Very few people in the West have studied Libyan democracy. Libyan progress during the revolutionary government far exceeded that of pro-West monarchies in the Arab world; those that, paradoxically, supported and financed NATO under the premises of democracy for Libya. Those acquainted with the kind of government implemented in the Great Jamahiriya (government of masses), may testify the proliferation of social movements in that country and their contacts with similar organisations of all around the world. Many progressive people from other countries worked and shared with Libyans. All kind of support, including financial, was given by the Green Revolution to several social groups in Africa, America and Asia. People’s organisation is defined in the Green Book and it is not dead letter. 

The Green Government unconditionally supported the Africa’s poorest countries; at least 20 of them received cooperation for development, higher than that provided by Europe, Japan and USA. The same countries that inexplicably left Gaddafi’s revolution behind, such as West African countries, particularly those with Islamic governments that benefitted from Libyan supportive cooperation in different areas.     

In the multilateral field, Gaddafi’s vision decisively fostered the Organisation of African Unity which, gathered in Sirte in 2001, changed to African Union, with new energy for the resolution of conflicts and financially supported by the Libyan government, in its search for a single African government; a government that would panic the West at its mere thinking. During the AU Extraordinary Summit held in September, 2009, this organisation decided to change the AU Commission to an African Single Authority; an idea vigorously supported by Gaddafi. The European Union and United States turned their alarms on; Africa had never been so close to make the dream of its founder fathers come true.


United Nations has never showed mercy to Gaddafi’s Libya. After Idris negotiated with Great Britain, the UN imposed ruthless economic embargoes to Libya which, nevertheless, could not stop the country’s progress. As for the British monarchy, Libya is part of their properties since 1947; Idris did his task.

The Libyan revolution definitely changed the country’s image. Illiteracy rate diminished from 80 percent, in Idris times, to 5 percent, during Gaddafi’s revolution. Infant mortality rate decreased from 100 dead per each 1000 new born to 16 dead per each 1000 new born. GDP per capita increased to 12 dollars per year and, for 2010, Libya had the 54 place in the Human Development Index (education, health and economy), the Africa’s highest; even highest than those of some countries in the Arab Gulf. Comparisons being made, Venezuela occupies the 75 place in this index. Likewise, access to drinking water increased to almost 100 percent, due to the construction of a pipeline that takes underground water to the whole country through 4,500 Kms of 7 meter-diameter pipes. This engineering work could be providing water to Libya for 4,000 millions of years. Unfortunately, this monumental work, considered the Eighth World Wonder, has been partially destroyed by the NATO’s “humanitarian” bombing; and nowadays, Tripoli has no constant water supply.

Libya had no universities in 1969. During the Green Revolution, it received thousands of students from all over the continent, as well as from Asia and America, totally for free. Not so long ago, a group of young Sahrawi students had to flee the country as their lives were threatened; the same did students from Nicaragua, in Libya since October 2010. Surely, among Sub-Saharan people that crossed the borders towards South fleeing from bombings, students from several countries also left Libya hopeless. They were not mercenaries; they are young students with aspirations to study and help Africa. NATO showed no remorse at dropping its bombs “killing only Gaddafi’s supporters” on universities. Anyway, maybe representatives of the Gadafa tribe were studying there: Preventive war. 

Some curious data: Did you know that, up to February 2010, Libya experienced housing oversupply? Did you know that, in 2009, due to the increase of oil prices, each family in the country received 15 thousand dollars to cover medical expenses or any other need? Did you know that, when Libyan hospitals could not offer treatment for a particular illness, the government paid for medical treatment abroad, including air tickets and maintenance? Did you know that the Libyan government had a scholarship programme abroad for those carriers that Libyan universities did not offer?

Of course, now that Gaddafi has passed, big European companies will be in charge of the building of houses, roads, hospitals, sport centres and education facilities, previously destroyed by NATO, with the main purpose to build and collect money for it.

The Libyan people had no motives to get rid of their paradise. They were happy. Revenge from Idris’ supporters was convenient to NATO and UN. The brave revolutionary army fought with the last of its men. No media or government report on the tens of thousands of young officers and soldiers that fell under the attack of the modern bombs. The NTC let escape a figure: 50 thousands. Genocide has been perpetrated in Libya. And it is not over. Cities where people used to sleep at open doors are now constantly assaulted and its inhabitants frighten by “rebels” who happily shot on Gaddafi’s supporters, take their properties away from them, rape their women and kill their men to avoid insubordination. That is the price they have to pay for being loyal to Gaddafi. And all this horror has been unleashed by Idris’ followers; those that were not touched a hair when the Revolution came in 1969.


In order to survive the embargo and keep the progress path, the Green Government elaborates a strategy to lift the embargo and allow food and medicine imports, as well as capital goods, returning to the country. Due to the application of such a strategy, an artificial river was built with companies from West Europe and South Korea. If the embargo had not been lifted in 2003, Libyan population would be decimated. If the embargo had not been lifted, the construction of big airports and ports would not be possible, as well as the establishment of one of the strongest airlines in the South, with 40 avant-garde aircrafts flying to 23 African countries and close to start a weekly flight to Venezuela, contributing to break down the barriers between America and Africa and eliminate the transit through European countries to reach Mother Africa.  

Libyan investment arrived to Italy, which Prime Minister hypocritically offered to pay for the damages produced by the cruel Italian occupation to Libya from 1911 to 1947. Italy owes to Libya twenty five thousand million dollars. Dear readers, you can be sure Italy will no longer honour that debt, as if the money belonged to Gaddafi instead of the Libyan people. 

Gaddafi managed to break the embargo. Libya started to transit the path of progress. Tourism industry was born strong. Sub Saharan and Egyptians from neighbour countries came in the search for better workplaces. They came to work, not to become mercenaries. More than three million people from Egypt and a similar amount from South African countries came to Libya. All the African countries have embassy in Tripoli. In the case a brother country could not cover the costs for the opening of an embassy, the Libyan government, aware of the importance of maintaining regional relations, was keen to help. Socialist Libya, from an extremely poor country, came to be a medium power; the Africa’s fifth ascending economy. 

In the international field, the Libyan government took diplomacy forward. The Africa’s best convention centre was built in Sirte. Gaddafi himself preached all over the world the need of a new world order, a radical transformation of UN and the defence of the South against the North; all this aware of the military mistake he had committed by disarming his army.

            In 2009, Gaddafi attended the UN General Assembly to announce the need and time to start reforms in that body; to take power off the Security Council and give it all to the General Assembly. Before the world’s leaders, he threw the hypocritical UN Charter away. He was facing again his enemy; the same enemy that had beaten him and stayed shut instead of condemning the bombing to his residence where one of his daughters was killed. Gaddafi ignored then that, barely two years after his attendance to the UN, this would order the bombing to his children and friends and even his assassination. In July that same year, Gaddafi attended one of the many summits of the Non Aligned Movement to complain on the passivity of the countries belonging to this organisation before the world’s powers. That day Gaddafi made his way to the presidium, even when the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs requested him to stay and “address the floor from his place, Mr President”; Gaddafi, immense, spoke with his husky voice to say: “I am the African Union President. I have to speak from the Presidium. When the time to speak comes for the Great Jamahiriya, I will address the floor from my place”. It was a way to show the NAM that it was time to stand in front of the West and then sit proudly when felt heard.

            That year, he also came to Venezuela to attend the 2nd Africa-South America Summit, held in Margarita island. Gaddafi was exercising the Pro Tempore Presidency of the African Union with strength and determination. In that summit, he exposed his project on the South Atlantic Treaty Organisation, for military and technological defence of the two regions. Because there is lack of transport, satellites and defence in the South, while the North has everything; Gaddafi explained with his hand on a big map held by President Chavez.
            And, in December, again in Sirte, he hosted the European Union-African Union Summit, which he closured demanding the elimination of the Bretton Woods monsters: IMF and World Bank. Gaddafi was undoubtedly dangerous. There, in Sirte, he received his executioners: Great Britain and France.
Gaddafi had already faced his European enemies when he made Switzerland to apologise for the treatment given to one of his sons, or when he menaced the European Union not to sale more oil as a result of the mistreatment received by his country. This happened during the Arab League Summit, in Sirte, in March 2010, when the Pro Tempore Presidency of that organisation was under Gaddafi’s leadership. 

It is important to remind that, for that time, March 2010, the Arab League behaved as Idris did before United Nations; it did not invite Libya, which was the organisation’s president that year. Gaddafi had stated that the Arab League should be more combative regarding the defence of its members before United States and Israel. Arabs from the Gulf could not stand Gaddafi’s anti imperialist ideals. For them, union is just an issue to be talked about but not to be applied. 

Then, Europe had included 188 Libyan citizens in a terrorist list. Gaddafi, aware of the power oil exercises over needed Europe, gave an ultimatum: “Either you erase that unjust list or I do not sale more oil to Europe”. Spain, as Pro Tempore president of the European Union, immediately apologised and declared the list invalid. Gaddafi brought them to their knees. This must not be forgotten by those insisting on the opinion that Gaddafi surrendered to the West. Take the time to investigate, Internet will not bite you. Gaddafi was consistent with his ideals and opinions until his very end. He fully understood his negotiation power based on oil and he knew how to use it. A true fact is that the West swore revenge. Empires do not forgive humiliations. An example of that can be seen in Haiti.  

Gaddafi’s biggest mistake in the negotiation to survive the embargo was the delivery of all his dissuasive weapons. Had he kept one third of those weapons pointing to the former and now current invaders of Libya and not one aircraft would have crossed the Bedouin sky.  None from his bourgeois environment would warn him. Gaddafi maintained terrestrial power. He would never be defeated in land and, if the killer NATO had not intervened, Gaddafi would have recovered the country at the least cost. This is a lesson to be learned.

Another mistake committed by the Libyan leader was to keep for so long in the government people who became part of elites and benefitted from Capitalism. Many of them are now in charge of several NTC fractions. Gaddafi left these people to be his advisers and they even gave him a wrong vision on the rebellion in place in the neighbour Tunisia. It is not surprising then that his last minister of foreign affairs betrayed him and supported the NTC. This minister was in charge of nominating the Libyan ambassadors to strategically important destinations such as UN, African Union, several European capitals, United States and others. A diplomatic service prepared for treason, holding monarchic flags waiting for the time to hoist them.     

Gaddafi is remembered in Kampala, Uganda, with presidents from the Caribbean and the ethnic kings of Africa and stating to the world that unity and integration should be more than mere words. And surely he would surprise us next November in the 3rd ASA Summit, that would take place in Libya. He has taken a piece of the Africa-South America dream with him.


The Green Revolution was ambushed and defamed. The Great Libya Jamahiriya lacked of a good publicity apparatus that spread its achievements. West media created an image of Gaddafi as dictator and violator of human rights. Nonetheless, in UN reports of the last ten years no denounce were made against that government. Libya had signed, under the government of Gaddafi, all the international conventions and protocols on human rights. Moreover, Libya had a good image before the bodies controlling respect to human rights and was achieving the Millennium Development Goals. It has been proved that Gaddafi did not order the bombing to the Green Square, as well as the non existence of communal graves in Libya, women participation in all the fields of government, and the guarantee of all fundamental rights. Gaddafi did not even chase the swine of Idris and his followers, and opposition in Benghazi acted at ease, armed to the teeth. That city also experienced progress thanks to the Green Revolution. In Libya, the West has rehearsed all its modern war tactics, including the use of giant sceneries in order to simulate the taking of Tripoli and dishearten the enemy.    

Conspiracy had been prepared for long time. First, Gaddafi’s government was infiltrated. Main positions, such as prime minister, minister of foreign affairs, minister of home affairs and justice, intelligence, petroleum and mining, were taken by traitors. Hillary Clinton, aware of that, gave green light for occupation in April, when, during a speech, surreptitiously ordered people accompanying the Leader to leave him. And there came the several desertions, and death.

From his closers, those who kept loyal to Gaddafi were his children. The same that some sensationalist media said to have “different points of view regarding Gaddafi”, and that entire old story created to divert the main issue of this case in order to make people fall in the mistake media wanted.

Conspiracy sought support in the Arab royalty and immediately found it. This was convenient for the Arabs, since part of the Libyan international reserves were in the Gulf; a bigger amount than that deposited in Europe. Arab countries sponsored Libyan invasion with the very Libyan money saved by Gaddafi.

However, they have killed the man that has surely better administered a country in the world, since he managed to provide it with infrastructure and a high HDI; he was able to increase the country’s reserves to 200 thousand million dollars, enough to pay international debts for about 50 years.


Terrorism is dead. There is no need to use the repetitive phrase: “We condemn terrorism in any form and coming from elsewhere”…

United States has already confirmed to have killed the ghost of Bin Laden. What was once called Al Qaeda has joined to USA and received its quota of power in Tripoli. ETA has also abandoned its struggle. Now, there is the need to keep fighting something; and dictators are the best option. USA has created a lot of dictators with its Doctrine for Homeland Security. Europe suffered from powerful dictatorships such as Franco’s, Hitler’s and Mussolini’s.

The ineffable Sarkozy has well said: “We will chase dictators wherever they are”. And, no doubts allowed, Internet already offers guide maps pointing who is a dictator and who is a ruler. Those who ruin the imperialist objectives, regardless this person has been freely elected by people, will become a dictator. And those emirs and kings that have been in power since they were born are only rulers. See?  

This label has been imposed by the same people that enthroned Idris and assassinated Gaddafi. Though, beware! Because we may also find refined left-wings, as the French, that dared to criticise Gaddafi and even reproach democrats for not showing support to the NTC. Other politicians speak carelessly and say: “despite criticism on Gaddafi”… What criticism? Having developed a strategy to survive the embargo? Having signed agreements with the West? Many of our countries have done the same in order to diversify their economies and overcome dependence. The real alert centres in the miserly and vindictive character of the West. Gaddafi kept his humanitarian ideals and his anti imperialist position. He found his end in his homeland, as he constantly repeated he would do. He saw his children die one by one. How painful was that for the brave 69-year old man. He begged powers such as Russia and China to make bombings stop. Not to save himself, but to avoid the killing of his people, as they were killed during the embargo. It would be a diplomatic cowardice not to ask now: Why China and Russia did not veto the 1973 resolution? They had to. And, with pain in our hearts, we ask: Why countries as South Africa, Nigeria and Gabon did not vote against that outrageous invasion? They owe an explanation to the ill-fated people of Libya, and all the peoples in the world. Africans should return to the path of unity transited with Gaddafi.     

Gaddafi, as strategy to keep his people’s wellbeing, accepted negotiations with traitors from the NTC. He agreed to play the West game of holding elections and distribute power. But not even power was needed by the traitors that were already his ministers and senior officials. Nevertheless, NTC and NATO did not care about Gaddafi; they just wanted the entire Libya, as they had it 42 years ago.

All political systems in the world today are a product of the struggle for power between alternative instruments of government. This struggle may be peaceful or armed, as is evidenced among classes, sects, tribes, parties or individuals. The outcome is always the victory of a particular governing structure - be it that of an individual, group, party or class - and the defeat of the people; the defeat of genuine democracy.

 Muammar Gaddafi, Green Book

…I did all I could to help people understand the concept of real democracy, where people's committees ran our country. But that was never enough, as some told me, even people who had 10-room homes, new suits and furniture, were never satisfied. As selfish as they were they wanted more, and they told Americans and other visitors they needed "democracy" and "freedom," never realizing it was a cut-throat system, where the biggest dog eats the rest.
But they were enchanted with those words, never realising that in America, there was no free medicine, no free hospitals, no free housing, no free education and no free food, except when people had to beg or go to long lines to get soup.

Gaddafi Testament, May 27, 2011.

Gaddafi will remain as eternal master of the Libyan people, true Founder Father of this nation. The empire and the monarchy have taken the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya back 42 years, which is the same to say ten centuries. Lackeys have already arbitrarily changed the country’s name (as they usually do). 

It is necessary to study the life and work of this worldly known African giant. It is our hope that the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya does not have to undergo another Idris-like regime before recovering the path of Independence. Struggle continues. 

So, there is no alternative for me, I must make my stand, and if Allah wishes, I shall die by following his path, the path that has made our country rich with farmland, with food and health, and even allowed us to help our African and Arab brothers and sisters to work here with us, in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Gaddafi Testament; May 27, 2011

Honour and glory to Muammar Gaddafi, Founder Father of Libya; promoter of the African Union; martyr for Peoples Revolution.

Caracas, October 24, 2011

Reflexiones sobre el devenir del Panafricanismo

  Reflexiones sobre el devenir del Panafricanismo   De su nacimiento, en el último cuarto del siglo XIX, en el Caribe Oriental, en paí...