viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

Bolivarian Government Regrets Decease of Venezuelan Diplomat in Kenya

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs


The Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on behalf of the Venezuelan Head of State, Commander Hugo Chavez, expresses the deepest sorrow on the dreadful decease of Mrs. Olga Arelis Fonseca Gimenez, Head of Mission of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Republic of Kenya, UN programmes such as UN-HABITAT and non Resident Charge d’Affaires to the Republics of Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda, in the Official Residence of the Venezuelan Embassy in Nairobi, capital city of Kenya, on July 27th, 2012, as a consequence of a violent assault in circumstances under investigation by the pertinent authorities of the African country.  

Internationalist Olga Fonseca performed a successful and committed diplomatic carrier in the Venezuelan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serving her Country and the Bolivarian Revolution. Fonseca always distinguished herself by her continuous professional improvement in all the areas regarding foreign policy, as well as by sharing her knowledge with new generations of the Foreign Service. In the last years, she shone in her position as Director of Politics and Cooperation in the Office of the Deputy Minister for Africa and, in recent times, she had been appointed as Head of this important Venezuelan Embassy in East Africa. Mrs. Olga Fonseca was always recognised by her impeccable personal, professional and labour life at the service of just causes.     

The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela is confident that criminal investigations developed by authorities of the Republic of Kenya shall clarify and establish responsibilities on the decease of the Venezuelan Head of Mission Olga Fonseca, and offers all the pertinent collaboration that might be required therein.
The Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela conveys condolences to relatives, friends and co-workers of this Countrywoman Olga Arelis Fonseca Gimenez.

Caracas, July 27th, 2012

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